Interactive Charts
Here you can explore models to show what would happen under different conditions. For example, you know that sea levels are rising, but you might wonder how much they will rise in the coastal city where you live. You might want to know what would happen if greater or lesser efforts are made to reduce Greenhouse gasses. You can even design the energy policy of an entire country!
These charts make it easy to test various assumptions and see the results. We'll be adding new charts that examine additional subjects.
Click the image of the chart you want to explore.
EN-ROADS Climate Change Solutions Simulator
A transparent, freely-available policy simulation model that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to explore for themselves the likely consequences of energy, economic growth, land use, and other policies and uncertainties
Wind and weather patterns
Worldwide weather is especially useful to show wind speeds which are critical to intermittent wind turbines. For example, often anticyclones cover large areas of northern Europe, and may last for days. Importing electricity from neighbours becomes useless, since they are experiencing the same phenomena.